Participate in the inventory of Alpine GTA and A610

Welcome to the GTA/A610 register. Follow us on Facebook

This site intended only to identifying and compiling the Alpine GTA and A610 that you own or owned to make an inventory of survivors of this exciting car.
Hopefully we will limit the occurrence of duplicate car remanufactured from chassis plate while papers are elsewhere.

Here we don't judge we don't denigrate.

What is in perfect original condition, modified to the extreme, a wreck or modified in an original wreck, no importance it's accepted as it is.

For further head to the FAR or to the RACI two guiding lights for the Alpinists.
See also Wikipedia:

If you want your car to be registered: only one email address

The idea of the registry GTA/A610 came to me in seeing the excellent made work at

Current team: Claude Parmentier (FAR and RACI), Dominique Boyer (FAR), Ralf Schuchmann (RACI), Robert Hofmann (RACI)

Flyers: If you are planning a Alpine event, and want to distribute flyers for the GTA/A610 register (or A310), write to us: specifying the desired number, postal address and date of the event. We will send the flyers for free.

The car informations given in the list only commits the person who sends them to us.

Information: number of GTA and A610 produced (Total GTA: 6494, A610: 818):
annéeD500 V6GTV6 Turbo EUR CUPD501 V6 TurboGTA USAD502 V6 TurboD501 Mille MilesD502 Le MansD503 A610D503 AlbertvD503 Magny Cours
Explanation of numbers: x + y means x LHD and y RHD

Gammeshort DescriptionDescriptionDetail
GTAD500 V6GTGTA: D500 05 V6GT1509 exemplary between 1984 and 1990
GTAV6 Turbo EUR CUPGTA: V6 Turbo EUROPA CUP69 exemplary between 1984 and 1987
GTAD501 V6 TurboGTA: D501 05 V6 Turbo3982 exemplary between 1985 and 1990
GTAGTA USAGTA: D50 GTA USA V6 TURBO21 exemplary in 1986
GTAD502 V6 TurboGTA: D502 05 V6 Turbo488 exemplary between 1989 and 1990
GTAD501 Mille MilesGTA: D501 05 V6 Turbo Mille Miles100 exemplary en 1990
GTAD502 Le MansGTA: D502 05 V6 Turbo Le Mans325 exemplary between 1990 and 1991
A610D503 A610D503 05 A610785 exemplary between 1990 and 1995
A610D503 AlbertvD503 05 A610 Abertville2 exemplary in 1991
A610D503 Magny CoursD503 05 A610 Magny Cours31 exemplary in 1991

Serial numbers GTA D500 Synthesis assay serial numbers for the GTA and A610. If for the D500 it is quite clear, by the other models we have no many informations. Who can contribute?
Year D500 France D500 GermanyD500 RH
1985 F0000013 a F000060030001 à ? 40001 à ?
1986 10001 a 10099 30??? à ? 40??? à ?
1987 10100 a 10213 30??? à ? 40??? à ?
1988 10214 a 10299 30??? à ? 40??? à ?
1989 10300 a 10373 30??? à ? 40??? à ?
1990 11000 a ? 30??? à ? 40??? à ?

Serial numbers GTA D501
Year D501 France D501 Germany D501 Cat Swiss D501 RH
1986 20064 a 20598 35001 a 35??? 60001 a 6???? 42001 a 42???
1987 20599 a 21208 35??? a 35??? 6???? a 6???? 42??? a 42???
1988 21209 a 21815 35??? a 35??? 6???? a 6???? 42??? a 42???
1989 21900 a 22510 35??? a 35??? 6???? a 6???? 42??? a 42???
1990 23000 a ? 35??? a 35??? 6???? a 6???? 42??? a 42???

Serial numbers GTA D502
Year D502 France D502 Germany D502 Cat Swiss D502 RH D502 Le Mans D502 Le Mans RHD502 Cat Italy?
1989 3???? a 3???? 36001 a 36??? 65001 a 65????
1990 3???? a 3???? 36??? a 36??? 65001 a 65???? ????? 67??? and 70??? ??????
1991 70??? a 70??? 81000 a 81???

Serial numbers A610 D503
Year D503 D503 RH
1991 85000 a 85??? 85000 a 86???
1992 85000 a 85??? 85??? a 86???
1993 85??? a 85??? 85??? a 86???
1994 85??? a 86??? 85??? a 86???
1995 86??? a 86??? 86??? a 86???

Exterior body colors GTA and A610
Legende: D500=GTA Atmo, D501=GTA Turbo, D501EC=GTA EuropaCup, D501MM=GTA Mille Miles, D502=GTA Turbo Cat, D502LM=GTA Le Mans, D503=A610, D503AV=A610 Albertville, D503MC=A610 Magny Cours
Nb Color 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 D500 D501
D501 D501
D502 D502
D503 D503
14Cognac metal vernis
15White nacre irisé vernis
48Blue marine irisé vernis
68Gray volcan metal vernis
69Gray argent metal vernis
75Red Vernis
76Red Titien irisé vernis
97Green lichen irisé vernis
132Gray beige
158Black irisé vernis
168White nacre irisé vernis
303White gardenia
317White nacré vernis
403Blue marine irisé vernis
436Blue Stratos
449Blue sport
488Blue Alpine métallisé vernis
510Beige keops metallisé vernis
530Yellow vernis
543Blue electrique nacré vernis
562Gray chardon metallisé vernis
570Red impérial vernis
592Green scarabée nacré vernis
593Green nacré vernis
595Green sphinx metallisé vernis
609Ambre gray metal vernis
655Black Vernis
712Red vésuve
776Red ecarlate nacré vernis

Interior GTA
Color V6GT V6 Turbo EUR V6 Turbo V6 Turbo Mille miles V6 Turbo Le Mans 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91
textil Loutre
textil Lichen
textil Cendre
Velvet beige
Velvet noir
Velvet gris cendre
Velvet gris
leather ficelle
leather noir
leather noir satiné
leather gris
leather cendre foncé/clair (bi-ton)
leather bleu glacier

Interior A610
Color A610 A610 Albertville A610 Magny-Cours 92 93 94 95
Velvet cendre
leather noir
leather bleu glacier
leather bleu electrique
Culeatherir cendre
leather gris clair bordé bleu electrique
leather noir celtic (idem Magny Cours)

Inventory GTA/A610 Production GTA/A610 Serialnumbers Colors Plate serialnumber Press article price evolution Legal information

Identification, plates for series number:

Inventory GTA/A610 Production GTA/A610 Serialnumbers Colors Plate serialnumber Press article price evolution Legal information

Press: Article Mille Miles # 107, March 2015:

Press: Article Berlinette MAG # 68, April-Mai 2015:

Press: Article Alpine-Post (germany), 08.2015:

Press: Article Mille Miles, 09.2017:

Inventory GTA/A610 Production GTA/A610 Serialnumbers Colors Plate serialnumber Press article Price evolution Legal information

Cote Mille Miles. Price Evolution